Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Curly Hair Care --Yesteryear Protective Styling

Often, we'll look for protective hairstyle to protect our tresses from damaging elements. The heat, the wind, the sun, our own wondering hands. While looking for a particular retro styled up-do, I found this video on YouTube. It kinda reminded me of the roll and tuck-type hairstyles that we wear nowadays.

I enjoy anything that is from an era gone by. So, I love, love, love history, old movies, vintage fashions and the like. This video encompasses all of those things.

The actress in the video, Veronica Lake, was known for her long hair in a peek-a-boo hairstyle, covering one eye. It was so wildly popular, that women everywhere copied her look. Unfortunately, it wasn't very practical for working around machinery and assembly lines. History fact: In this 1943 Paramount newsreel, she is adopting an upswept hairdo at the order of the War Womanpower Commission, to discourage "peekaboo bangs". Apparently, after too many women imitating her hairdo were injured on the job. So, here, she demonstrates a hairstyle  that had more to do with safety than beauty. Also, in the video, there are scenes of women gathering their hair under a cap for the same reason. (Kinda reminded me of a turban. My current obsession.)

This style can be duplicated simply by rolling your hair on each side of you head and pinning into place. If your hair is longer, as you come toward to back of your head, you can gather the two side with a hair tie and form a ponytail. Pin into a bun. That's it!

What retro hairstyle do you love? Leave a comment.


  1. I also love dated,...erm,..."vintage" hairstyles. I love the styles Dorothy Dandgridge and Lena Horne wore, with a classic red lip. But one of my fave looks is Janet Jackson as "Charlene" in "Different Strokes" - rollerset hair that has been combed/brushed back and then "pushed up" where it's all fluffy. My mom used to do my hair like that and if I wasn't sure that I would be joked - I would rock it today! :)

    1. Thanks for your comment! Now i HAVE to look up old episodes of "Different Strokes" LOL! Girl, my sisters and I called that style "the pomp" (short for pompadour. It might be back. If Hammer pants came back, anything is possible;-)Work it!
